Medovik – Russian Honey Cake

Honey Dough – BiscuitHoney 130g
Unsalted Butter 230g
Whole Egg 150g
Mauri Classic Cookies Mix 650g
Salt 3g
Cardamom Powder 3g
Whipped Cream
Mauri Non Dairy Whip Topping 800g
Arrow Vanilla Kularome 1.6g
Orange Zest 19g
Baking Step:
Honey Dough – Biscuit- Preheat oven to 180°C.
- Combine honey and unsalted butter in a bowl and heat over a hot water bath until melted and hot to the touch.
- Gradually add eggs and keep heating until the mixture begins to thicken, then remove from heat.
- Using paddle, mix the classic cookies mix with the salt and cardamom powder, then gradually mix it with the warm honey mixture at slow speed for 2 minutes.
- The final dough will be quite soft and sticky, but don’t add more flour to it.
- Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 3 hours before using.
- For the next step, make sure your working surface is well floured.
- Using dough sheeter and roll it into a very thin sheet – 2mm thickness. Cut out disc of 18cm diameter.
- Keep rolling the dough and cutting discs until run out of dough and you have at least 18 pieces of biscuit. Before baking, using dough docker pricking the surface with evenly spaced holes.
- Bake the discs of dough at 180°C for 8 – 10 minutes or until golden brown and dry.
- Keep in a dry place until needed.
- Combine the all ingredient in a bowl.
- Whip until soft peak.
- Begin layering the honey biscuits with the whipped cream: 1 biscuit, 50g of whipped cream for each layer, biscuit again and so on.
- The final cake will have 15 layers of biscuit while the rest of the biscuits (3 pieces) will be used to decorate the cake later. Usually choose the ones that aren’t that pretty for this particular task.
- Once the cake is built, cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate it overnight to allow the biscuits to become soft due to the moisture in the cream.