

Group A
Bread Flour 1000g
Mauri Japanese Bread Improver 10g
Sugar 130g
Salt 16g
Mauripan IDY 15g

Group B
Eggs 100g
Milk 310g
Water 250g

Group C
Butter 100g

Baking Step:

  1. Transfer Ingredients A into the mixing bowl.
  2. Mix ingredients A with mixer at low speed.
  3. Add in Ingredients B into the mixing bowl.
  4. Mix for 8 minutes (or until the “clean bowl” is observed).
  5. Add in the butter.
  6. Mix until the dough is well-developed (7 – 8 minutes).
  7. Rest the dough for 10 minutes.
  8. Divide the dough into 110 g dough.
  9. Round and rest the dough for 5 minutes.
  10. Knead and roll the dough into elongated shape.
  11. Keep the dough and rest the dough for about 5 minues.
  12. Repeat “Step 10” and put the 4 pieces of dough into the bread tins.
  13. Proof the dough at 38°C, 85% RH until double its original size.
  14. Bake at Top oven (205°C – Top ; 225°C – bottom) for 24-26 minutes.
  15. Cool the breads at the cooling rack.

*Recipe makes about 4 loaves of bread (440g dough weight). 

Shibuya Honey Toast


Group A
Bread Flour 800g
Hokkaido Bread Concentrate200g

Sugar 75g
Salt 15g
Mauripan Instant Yeast 15g

Group B
Water 630g

Group C
Shortening 50g

Baking Step: 

  1. Mix ingredients A with mixer at low speed for 1 min. Add in Ingredients B and mix for 2-3 mins.
  2. Add in the shortening and mix for 1 min. Change to medium speed and mix until the dough is well-developed (9 – 10 mins).
  3. Rest dough for 10 mins. Divide the dough into 400g dough, round up and rest for 10 mins.
  4. Mould and place the dough into baking tin and cover with lid.
  5. Proof the dough at 38°C, 85% RH for 65 – 70 minutes, or until double its original size.
  6. Bake at 200°C for about 30 minutes. 


Polo Bun with Salted Egg Kaya Filling

Bun Ingredients:

Ingredients A
Bread Flour 800g
Mauri Hokkaido Bread Concentrate 200g
Sugar 140g
Salt 16g
Mauripan IDY 15g

Ingredients B
Eggs 50g
Milk 31g
Water 300g

Ingredients C
Butter 100g

Topping Ingredients:

Unsalted Butter (Softened) 145g
Icing sugar 100g
Whole egg 60g
All Purpose flour 220g
Baking Soda 5g

Salted Egg & Kaya Filling Ingredients:

Unsalted butter (softened) 200g
Icing sugar 140g
General purpose flour 40g
Full cream milk 100g
Milk powder 100g
Mauri Salted Egg Kularome 8g
Salt 8g
Mauri Kaya Paste +/-

Egg Wash Ingredients:

Whole Egg 55g
Milk 15g

Bun Baking Step:

  1. Transfer Ingredients A into the mixing bowl.
  2. Mix ingredients A with mixer at low speed for about 1 min.
  3. Add in Ingredients B into the mixing bowl.
  4. Mix for about 7 mins (or until the “clean bowl” is observed).
  5. Add in the butter.
  6. Mix until the dough is well-developed (about 8 mins).
  7. Rest the dough for 10 mins.
  8.  Divide the dough into 50 g dough.
  9. Round and rest the dough for 5 mins.

Topping Production Method:

  1. Transfer Ingredients A into the mixing bowl.
  2. Mix ingredients A with mixer at low speed for about 1 min.
  3. Add in Ingredients B into the mixing bowl.
  4. Mix for about 7 mins (or until the “clean bowl” is observed).
  5. Add in the butter.
  6. Mix until the dough is well-developed (about 8 mins).
  7. Rest the dough for 10 mins.
  8. Divide the dough into 50 g dough.
  9. Round and rest the dough for 5 mins.

Slated Egg & Kaya Production Method:

  1. Using a paddle attachment, weigh all ingredients into the mixing bowl and beat at low speed for around 2 mins until fully combined. 
  2. Pipe 20g onto a tray and freeze until solid. 
  3. Take out from the freezer and roll into a ball. 
  4. Keep in the freezer before use. 


  1. Take a 50g of dough, flatten it. 
  2. Pipe 15g of kaya and place the salted egg filling into the dough and wrap. 
  3. Take 18g of polo bun topping, flatten it. 
  4. Wrap the top of the bun and score topping with lattice press prior to proofing. 
  5. Proof the dough at 35°C, 85% RH for about 40 – 45min. 
  6. Egg wash the polo bun topping. 
  7. Bake at 205°C (top) and 180°C (bottom) for 10 – 12 mins. 
  8. Cool the breads at the cooling rack before serving. 

Sakura Cream Bun

Bun Ingredients

Group A
Bread Flour 800g
Mauri Hokkaido Bread Concentrate 200g
Sugar 140g
Salt 16g
Mauripan IDY 15g

Group B
Eggs 50g
Milk 310g
Water 300g

Group C
Butter 100g

Sakura Cream Filling Ingredients

Group A
Pinnacle Instant Custard Mix 100g
Full cream milk 250g
Mauri Non-Dairy Whip Topping 250g
Sakura flavor 0.6g
Mauri Pink Colour 0.6g

Group B
White Chocolate 100g Full Cream Milk 50g

Bun Baking Step:

  1. Transfer Ingredients A into the mixing bowl.
  2. Mix ingredients A with mixer at low speed for about 1 min.
  3. Add in Ingredients B into the mixing bowl.
  4. Mix for about 7 minutes (or until the “clean bowl” is observed).
  5. Add in the butter.
  6. Mix until the dough is well-developed (about 8 minutes).
  7. Rest the dough for 10 minutes.
  8. Divide the dough into 50 g dough.
  9. Round and rest the dough for 5 minutes.
  10. Mould the dough into oval shape and place it onto a baking tray.
  11. Proof the dough at 38°C, 85% RH for about 90min or until double its original size.
  12. Bake at 195°C (top) and 185°C (bottom) for 10 – 12 minutes.
  13. Cool the breads at the cooling rack.

Sakura Cream Filling Production Method 

  1. Using double boil, melt Group B until dissolve
  2. Combine Group A and Group B ingredients into the mixing bowl and whisk at high speed until firm peak. Keep in chiller prior piping into buns. 

Potato Bun


Bread Flour 1000g
Potato Flakes 50g
AB Mauri Mauripan Instant Yeast 15g
Salt 15g
Sugar 130g
Mauri Japanese Bread Improver 5g
Milk Powder 50g
Whole Eggs 100g
Cold water (0-1 0C) 320g
Milk 250g
Unsalted Butter 100g

Baking Step:

  1. Weigh all ingredients.
  2. Place all dry ingredients into the mixer and mix for 1 minute.
  3. Add in water and eggs and mix for 7 minutes.
  4. Add in butter and mix for 6 minutes ( or until the dough is well developed).
  5. Round the dough and rest for 30 minutes.
  6. Scale the dough into 32g per piece, round and rest for 5 minutes.
  7. Shape the dough and put into ( 6 inch x 11 inch ) tray.
  8. Proof at 40 0C and RH 80% for approximately 60 minutes.
  9. Bake at 2000C top 2000C bottom for about 14 to 15 minutes or until done.
    Baking condition varies upon oven used and dough weight. 



Bread Flour 1000g
Sugar 20g
Salt 10g
Mauripan Instant Yeast 10g
Water 520g
Finetex 5g
Oil 8g

Baking Step:

  1. Mix ingredients in Group A until fully developed.
  2. Cover dough with plastic or damp cloth and rest the dough for 10 mins.
  3. Divide the dough into desired size and rounding, rest dough for 10 mins, cover the dough to prevent skinning.
  4. Roll the dough flat and place it into a pizza tray / baking tray. Proof for about 40 – 50 mins.
  5. Apply pizza sauce and toppings as desired.
  6. Bake at 230°C for 10 – 20 mins, depending on size. 

Pistachio Nutty Goji Bread


Ingredients A
Bread Flour 1000g
Sugar 130g
Salt 16g
Mauripan Instant Yeast 15g
Finetex 10g
Green Tea Powder 15g
(Only for Green tea Dough)

Ingredients B
Milk 350g
Water 320g

Ingredients C
Butter 100g

Ingredients D
Goji Berry 150g
Pistachio 150g

Baking Step:

  1. Dry mixing ingredients A at low speed for about 1 min
  2. Add in Ingredients B into the mixing bowl. Mix for 8 mins or until the “clean bowl” is observed.
  3. Add in the butter. Mix until the dough is well-developed (7 – 8 minutes).
  4. Rest the dough for 10 minutes. Divide the dough into 100g and 60g.
  5. Round and rest the dough for 5 mins.
  6. Flatten out the 100g plain dough. Then flatten 100g green tea dough and place it on top of the plain dough. Roll out into a cylinder dough shape. Place it into the baking tin.
  7. Take 2 plain 60g dough and roll into long strips. Repeat for green tea dough. Pleat the 4 strips and place on top of the cylinder dough in the baking tin.
  8. Proof the dough at 38°C, 85% RH for about 75 mins.
  9. Bake at oven 170°C (Top); 195°C (Bottom) for about 35mins. 

Multigrain Crusty


Mauri White Bun Mix 800g
Mauri Multigrain Mix 200g
Mauripan Instant Yeast 20g
Water 600g
Salt 15g
Bread Improver (Voltex Crusty) 5g

Baking Step:

  1. Put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, including the yeast and water.
  2. Mix at low speed (1st) for 5 minutes, continue mixing at medium speed (2nd) for 12-15 minutes until the dough is fully developed.
  3. Rest the dough for 10 minutes and cover the dough to prevent skinning.
  4. Shape the dough into desired shape using dough weight around 300 – 400g for baguette and 100 – 200g for mini baguette.
  5. Proof for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
  6. Bake at temperature top 230 ˚C and bottom 220 ˚C for 20 – 30 minutes.

Cranberry Cream Cheese Multigrain Bread


Group A
Bread Flour 500g
General Purpose Flour 200g
Mauri Multigrain Mix 150g
Mauri Wholemeal Mix 150g
Salt 10g
Mauripan Instant Yeast 15g
Mauri Voltex Crusty 5g
Water ± 630g

Group B
Raisin 200g
Walnut 100g
White Sesame 50g

Group C
Cream Cheese 500g
Dried Cranberry 150g

Baking Step:

  1. Mix ingredients in Group A at medium speed until fully developed (about 5 minutes).
  2. Add in Group B until well mixed.
  3. Rest the dough for 20 minutes and cover it properly to prevent skinning.
  4. Divide the dough into desired size and rest the dough for 10 minutes, cover the dough to prevent skinning.
  5. Wrap filling and shape the dough, then proceed to proofing for 40 to 60 minutes.
  6. Bake at temperature of top 200°C and bottom 210°C for 10 to 15 minutes. Steam 1st time when product goes into the oven. Steam 2nd time after 5 minutes. 



Bread Flour 1000g
Mauri Voltex Crusty 5g
Mauripan Instant Yeast 15g
Salt 20g
Cold Water 600g

Baking Step:

  1. Blend all dry ingredients at low speed for 1 min.
  2. Add water and mix dough at low speed for 1 minutes, then mix at high speed to optimal development (about 11 minutes).
  3. Rest the dough for 15 minutes. Cover with a plastic sheet to prevent skinning.
  4. Scale to desired weight (100g) then rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Mould to desired shapes.

Proof at 40 0C and RH 80% for approximately 90 – 100 minutes

Bake at 230 0C for about 20 minutes, steam 10s.
Baking condition varies upon oven used and dough weight. 

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