Hokkaido Sweet Squares

Group 1Mauri Hokkaido Bread Mix1000g
Mauripan IDY15g
Group 2
Cold Water 420g
Whole Eggs 80g
Group 3
Unsalted Butter 80g
Vanilla Filling
Instant Custard100g
Mauri Non-Dairy Whip Topping200g
Green Tea Filling
Instant Custard100g
Mauri Non-Dairy Whip Topping200g
Green Tea Powder20g
Coconut Filling
Instant Custard100g
Coconut Milk200g
Mauri Non-Dairy Whip Topping200g
Green Tea Powder20g
Baking Step:
- Place Group 1 ingredients into the mixer and mix for 1 minute at slow speed.
- Add in Group 2 ingredients and mix until dough not stick to hand.
- Add in Group 3 ingredients into the mixer and mix for 5 – 6 minutes at high speed until dough is fully develop.
- Rest dough for 10 minutes and cover the dough to prevent skinning.
- Divide dough into 95g pieces and further rest for another 10 minutes and shape the dough place into 3 inch mini square loaf tin.
Vanilla / Green Tea / Coconut Filling Production Method:
- Mix all ingredients until soft peak and set at chiller. Pipe filling into loaf bread and decorate as desired.